GUViCS public data
- GUViCS mosaics
As described in Boissier et al., 2015.
Mosaics of diffuse emission over the full area of the GUViCS survey.
- GUViCS_FUVdiffuse_AIS_1arcminpixels.fits: 1 arcmin pixels (smoothed on 3x3 pixels), based on All sky Imaging Survey. The map is objects-substracted and background substracted, letting only the residual diffuse emission ascribed to Galactic Cirrus. Units are counts / sec / arcmin2
- GUViCS_diffuse_100microns_IRIS_1arcminpixels.fits: diffuse emission in the IRIS 100 microns maps, registered on the same pixel scale as above.
- GUViCS_diffuse_250microns_HeViCS_1arcminpixels.fits : diffuse emission in the HeViCS 250 microns maps, registered on the same pixel scale as above.
- GUViCS_EBV_planck_1arcminpixels.fits: E(B-V) map from Planck, registered on the same pixel scale as above.
- GUViCS_NUVdiffuse_AIS_1arcminpixels.fits: NUV diffuse emission, registererd on the same pixel scale as above.
- GUViCS_FUVdiffuse_DEEPER_20arcsecpixels.fits: 20 arcsec pixels (smoothed on 3x3 pixels), based on all data in GUViCs survey deeper than the All sky Imaging Survey. The map is objects-substracted and background substracted, letting only the residual diffuse emission ascribed to Galactic Cirrus. Units are counts / sec / arcmin2